Thursday, 12 May 2016

Asking questions while you’re reading.
Asking questions in reading means if you read something for example
“I turn to see Captain  Woodenhead emerging from the maze of doom” You ask questions about it. I asked…

Who is captain Woodenhead?
Where is the maze?
Why is the maze called the maze of doom?
Who turns around and sees captain Woodenhead?
Why is the captain called captain Woodenhead?

You can get a lot of questions out of one sentence!

Monday, 9 May 2016

Rise Like The Guardians          
2016 , By Bayer, Briana & Ella

This painting shows that Frankley School works together like the Kahikatea tree, and the students follow the leadership of the guardians that support them.
Please give us some feedback &
if you would like to see our artwork and be able to feel the the texture come into room 10.
Also please tell me what you think the meaning is in our artwork in the comments below.